CD Rates

Certificates of Deposit & IRAs

($1,000 - $24,999)
($25,000 or more)
CompoundingMinimum to Open
3 Months0.25%0.25%at maturity$1,000
6 Months0.50%0.50%at maturity$1,000
12 Months1.50%1.75%quarterly$1,000
24 Months1.50%1.75%annual$1,000
36 Months1.50%1.75%annual$1,000
48 Months1.50%1.75%annual$1,000
60 Months1.50%1.75%annual$1,000

Special CD Rates

($1,000 - $99,999)
($100,000 or more)
CompoundingMinimum to Open
9 Months - Special3.80%4.30%at maturity$1,000
13 Months - Special3.50%4.00%quarterly$1,000
19 Months - Special3.25%3.75%quarterly$1,000
33 Months - Special2.90%3.40%quarterly$1,000
60 Months - Special2.50%3.00%annual$1,000

Effective as of 09/18/2024

* Annual Percentage Yield. Annual Percentage Yield assumes interest is redeposited and remains on deposit until maturity. A withdrawal of interest will reduce earnings. Early withdrawal penalties may apply to Certificate accounts. For variable rate accounts, the interest rate and APY may change after account opening. Fees could reduce the earnings on some accounts. For further product descriptions, please make an inquiry with your banker. These rates are effective at the date stated above and subject to change without notice.

Rates not valid for public and institutional funds. Contact a banker for details.

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CD Rates
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